Color Buddies™

Making bathwater a coloring canvas

Photos from Munchkin

I had the great fortune to work at Munchkin within the product development team. My jobs include research, ideation, prototyping, testing, presentation, and 3D modeling.

Almost all projects required collaboration with other departments such as marketing, engineering, compliance, costing and sales. My role is to design products that provide safe and fun experiences for kids and parents.

Designed Color Buddies™ moisturizing bath bomb & toy dispenser. Supervised under senior designer Nick Trumbo.

- Product can be found on, &
Photos from Munchkin

Color Buddies™

Comes with 20 colorful bath bomb tablets, and two animal dispensers.

How to Use

1     Place color tablet into dispenser
2    Fasten the safety cap
3    Immerse in water

Photos from Munchkin

Watch the whale breathe, and the puffer fish blow fizzy bubbles!

Water as a Coloring Canvas:
Bath Bomb Redefined.

The original design brief for this project was to make a Munchkin kids-friendly bath bomb. One that doesn’t only moisturize the skin, but allow kids to be creative with colors, making bath time special.

Current bath bombs are usually expensive and allows for only one-time usage. Color Buddies™ is a design solution that make bath bombs both a fun kind of soap but also a lasting toy.

Prototype Testing Video filmed in Munchkin

During the prototyping process, numerous iterations were made in adjustments to safety compliance and play experience. Keeping the forms simple, the child still has to easily recognize which animal it is, and the holes for the bubbles had to make sense for that animal.

A lot of research was conducted to find non-toxic bath bomb ingredients that would produce the desired bubble and coloring effect. We compared the ingredient compounds in their moisturizing effects on skin, and ensured they are hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin.

Thanks for reading and have fun with bubbles!